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Home » Mac OSX » Plugin Alliance Noveltech Character 1.17.1 macOS
Plugin Alliance Noveltech Character 1.17.1 macOS

macOS | 25.11 MB

Noveltech Character add CHARACTER™ to your instruments and vocals. CHARACTER intelligently enhances the tonal spectrum and dynamics(!) found in your instruments and vocals by automatically adjusting complex sets of parameters rather than merely boosting a specific frequency region. This revolutionary approach allows you to get to desired results quicker, via just three intuitive controls.

The CHARACTER algorithm is based on Noveltech’s Intelligent Adaptive Filtering (IAF) technology. The processing affects both the frequency response and dynamic properties of the input material in a highly time-variable sense. CHARACTER intelligently identifies and enhances the characteristics in audio material that are pleasing to the human ear. One example of such characteristics is the time related attack and decay properties of the signal’s transients.

Focusing on the perceivably favored characteristics of the original musical instrument or voice, CHARACTER intelligently enhances the relevant characteristics found in the source by automatically adjusting complex sets of parameters rather than only statically boosting one specific frequency region.

This revolutionary approach allows for instant gratification since you only have three very intuitive parameters to tweak.

• Auto-Improvement Tool, based on scientific algorithms
• Enhance any signal or master in tone and dynamics with just a few tweaks
• Great tool to help shape mixes fast

• 3 different modes for various instruments and sources:
- Mode 1 is optimized for percussive instruments and vocals
- Mode 2 is optimized for guitars and synths
- Mode 3 is optimized for bass guitar and pads

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 12.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor


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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 68 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Alliance, character, Plugin, Noveltech, MacOS, 1.17.1 | Rating: 0.0/0
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