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Home » WiN » Platone Studio StraightSet v1.0.1
Platone Studio StraightSet v1.0.1

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Going from loud to quiet in the middle of a DJ set kills a vibe completely. Spending hours tweaking the volumes of hundreds of tracks does so too. Now, there’s an answer to both problems: StraighSet, the first professional DJ helper software that normalizes the volume of tracks automatically.

Import as many tracks as you want.
Export at your preferred volume.
Done! All your tracks have the same volume.
StraightSet preserves the original audio dynamics of each song while assuring they all play at the same perceived volume. You can build consistent DJ sets by normalizing the tracks in a playlist automatically. Set the final volume easily by using the recommended loudness or choose your own volume.

x64: Standalone application

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Category: WiN | Views: 149 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.0.1, Platone, StraightSet, Studio | Rating: 0.0/0
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