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P2P | 08 August 2017 | 48,96 MB

Mix Music, Music Videos & Host Karaoke With Precision
DEX 3 is professional DJ Software for MAC and Windows that allows you to seamlessly mix music, music videos and host karaoke. DEX 3 is the only DJ software with all the features a working DJ requires to make any every gig a total success.

With our beat-grid based automatic beat mixing and key detection it’s easy to blend tracks, allowing you to focus on the other aspects of your mix. Your audience will enjoy superior sound quality made possible by DEX 3’s industry-leading custom sound engine whether your mixing live or using automix.

Since DEX 3 offers no-latency playback and support for today’s hottest DJ controllers; loops, hot cues, and all playback features are ultra-responsive. DEX 3 allows you to create mixes from your own music & video library, iTunes or Pulselocker using just a keyboard or mouse, or one of the 90+ supported DJ controllers.

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Category: WiN | Views: 688 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: win,, Dex, PCDJ | Rating: 0.0/0
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