PastToFutureReverbs SSL 4000 E Analog Mixing Console! Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV

Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV | 2.82 MB
We sampled the input channel and the Mix-buss of this amazing sounding Analog Mixing Console!
Place the channel IR's as the first FX/Plug-in into your tracks and
the Buss IR's into your busses and stereo bus.
You will hear how your mixes instantly become bigger, wider and you will get more depth to your mixes!
For the best results, mix with these IR’s from the beginning.
It changes the way you would eq and level the tracks.
If you have too many channels, we would recommend a Cab IR loader/player instead of a Convolution reverb plug-in to save CPU Power!
We recommend Pulse IR Loader for free!
Sampled at 0db, +5db & +10db steps
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