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Packt Audio on iOS TUTORiAL

Team RiDWARE | 28 Mar 2018 | 478.9MB

Learn how to work with audio and the microphone in iOS apps
Audio is what Apple is known for. The iPod and Apple’s dedication to audio is what ultimately led to the iPhone and the whole iOS ecosystem. In this course, you’ll learn how to work with and harness the power of audio in your iOS development.

The two fundamental skills that you will master in this course are playing and recording audio. We’ll start by playing an audio file. Whether you want background music in a game or need to play podcast files, you’ll learn how to work with the audio frameworks Apple has developed. Then we’ll move on to recording audio with built-in microphones in iOS devices.

You’ll end the course by taking your learning and practically applying it to create a Soundboard app that connects to a Core Data database. Through this, a user can record a sound, give it a name, and be able to play the sound with the touch of a button.

Style and Approach
This step-by-step video guide will get you started with iOS application development by providing a solid foundation to core iOS concepts, techniques, and the Swift programming language. Every section contains practical examples so you’ll understand how iOS development works, the latest features of iOS 10, and when and where to apply the core iOS techniques.

The code bundle for this video course is available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Audio-on-iOS

Video Details
ISBN: 139781788294140
Course Length: 2 hours and 2 minutes

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 734 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: tutorial, ios, PACKT, on, Audio | Rating: 0.0/0
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