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Home » Sound Libraries » Origins of Audio Varitis For U-HE ZEBRA 2
Origins of Audio Varitis For U-HE ZEBRA 2

FANTASTiC | 02 December 2018 | 1.36 MB

Varitis. It comes from the ancient Greek word Βαρύτης (/va.ˈɾi.ti.s/) or Βαρύτητα (/va.ˈɾi.ti.ta/), meaning gravity. Space is certainly not the final frontier, since we, the human kind, haven't unraveled all its mysteries yet. This sound set is inspired by space exploration and we tried to capture that feeling on our presets. Color and darkness, taking off and landing, time-travelling and stillness, void and signs of life - a broad spectrum of states, expressed through notes. Once again, this sound set aims at dark cinematic scoring for film and video games. Varitis is a collection of 121 presets for U-He's Zebra² with dark and ghostly soundscapes, fx, swells, evocative and emotional pads, bass, arps and sequences. All of these sounds are waiting for you to explore them and discover their possibilities.


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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 692 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: u-he, Origins, Audio, Zebra, for, Varitis, of | Rating: 0.0/0
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