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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » OnlineMasterClass Roman Styx Male Vocal Rack For Waves StudioRack
OnlineMasterClass Roman Styx Male Vocal Rack For Waves StudioRack

Vocal Rack For Waves StudioRack | 313.91 MB
Links update: 27/12/2023

This is a preset for Waves Studiorack, which Roman Styx prepared specifically for the processing of male vocals. It allows you to quickly get the dense and bright sound of vocals, which is usually required in various kinds of pop, rock or dance tracks. The settings here are quite flexible and allow you to adjust RECs under completely different voices and musical genres. That is, this is an adjustable preset, which you can adjust to your taste.

Note - this is preset, not a plugin. In order for them to take advantage of you, the necessary plugins must already be installed. Without them, the presets will not work. That is, first make sure that all these plugins are installed on your computer, including Waves Studio Rack, and then take the presets. Here are the necessary Waves plugins:

•Q10 Equalizer
•Renaissance Equalizer
•Renaissance Vox
•CLA Vocals
•CLA-76 Compressor / Limiter
•NLS Non-Linear Summer
•Maserati GRP
•Renaissance Reverb
•H-Reverb Hybrid Reverb
•H-Delay Hybrid Delay
•PuigTech EQ
•Infected Mushroom Pusher

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 593 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: vocal, roman, for, Rack, StudioRack, waves, Male, OnlineMasterClass, Styx | Rating: 0.0/0
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