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One Man Tribe Cosmos Tape Drums WAV

WAV | 211 MB

Cosmos Tape Drums feat. guitar phenomenon Yoav Eshed. Tape Drums is a new sample pack series by Ben Aylon, bringing you drums and percussion loops with creative fresh beats, analog saturation and color, all played through the Roland RE-201 Space Echo tape delay machine. Each pack is produced with its signature theme and contains 10 main beats played with a hybrid drum kit, three percussion instruments and a Roland Space Echo FX channel. With each pack you get ready-mixed beats and parts, dry and wet, and the multitrack channels for you to create your own personal mix.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 201 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Tribe, Tape, Drums, one, COSMOS, Man, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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