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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » NUGEN Audio VisLM v2.8.3.3 [WiN-OSX] Incl Keygen
NUGEN Audio VisLM v2.8.3.3 [WiN-OSX] Incl Keygen

Team R2R | WiN 4.74 MB | OSX 79.79 MB
Links update: 28/12/2021

VisLM’s unique loudness meter design delivers everything you need – intuitively, accurately and immediately. Hit the target first time, every time, with VisLM’s instant overview combined with detailed historical analysis. Mix with the confidence and peace of mind you can only experience with an industry standard product.

With a full set of international and regional presets, VisLM is ready to go immediately. And for legacy, station specific or internal specifications, VisLM can be fully configured to handle any situation; from detailed expert reporting to simple safety zones and navigable loudness alerts for less experienced operators.

Loudness compliance perfectly integrated into your workflow, using a clear resizable interface and groundbreaking ReMEM automated loudness memory technology.

True Peak level meters
Timecode locked ReMEM
Automated loudness overdub
Leq(m) and Leq(a) measurement
Momentary, Short-term & Integrated loudness
ITU-R BS. 1770 | EBU R128 | CALM compliant
Suitable for Netflix best practice
Navigable flags & alerts

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1146 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v2.8.3.3, Incl, NuGen, Keygen, WiN-OSX, Audio, VisLM | Rating: 0.0/0
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