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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » NuGen Audio MasterCheck v1.2.1.5 WIN OSX
NuGen Audio MasterCheck v1.2.1.5 WIN OSX

15 Nov 2016 | WiN: 12.15 MB | OSX: 62.5 MB
Links update: 25/04/2017

Mix and Master for the listener directly to Apple, Spotify, DAB Radio and TV specifications, MasterCheck will immediately reveal how your audio is going to sound to the listener, allowing you to produce with confidence and certainty.

MasterCheck immediately reveals how the consumer will hear your productions on todays music platforms. Mix and master to target and the quality of your audio will be assured all the way to the consumer with no nasty surprises after release.

Compare and contrast your productions with reference works and learn from the best. MasterCheck gives you the tools to evaluate your work and seize the competitive advantage by producing directly for the playout environment, allowing you to effectively utilise maximum dynamic range without compromising on loudness or risking distortion introduced by mp3 or AAC compression.

MasterCheck instantly de-mystifies loudness normalised playout systems, showing you the effect of compression on your audio so you can immediately determine how much is enough and by using loudness matching, exactly what is happening to the transients etc. as the compression increases. Now you can quickly find the point beyond which playout systems kick into effect, putting you back in control of how your productions will sound.

Audio production to loudness target
Measuring dynamic content
Avoiding downstream clipping introduced by compression codecs
Compare your loudness and dynamics with reference material
Audition Loudness matched FX chains
Objectively evaluate compression settings with PLR & loudness matching

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1198 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: win, osx, Audio, MasterCheck, NuGen, v1.2.1.5 | Rating: 0.0/0
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