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Notion Music Notion v4.0.325 x86 x64-CHAOS
Team CHAOS | 29 March 2013 | 75.32 MB
Links update: 04/04/2017
The latest version of Notion builds upon our award-winning software foundation with all new possibilities and enhancements. Notion is continuing to redefine the way notation software is used while staying true to our strengths: great playback, a simple easy-to-use interface, great compatibility, and incredible customer service.
Compose, playback, and edit music with a quality and ease of use that must be experienced. No endless level of menus to find what you need. Notion is the most efficient notation product, making it simple to write and edit your ideas quickly.
Notion gives you the best playback of any notation product. Orchestral samples recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios. Guitar samples by Neil Zaza, bass samples by Victor Wooten and drum samples by Roy "Futureman” Wooten.
All samples were painstakingly recorded using the best equipment by top engineers recording an array of dynamics, articulations and performance techniques.
No other product allows you to create a score on your desktop and transfer it to your iPad, where you can continue to edit and playback your music. Now, with Notion you can. If you have Notion and the Notion iPad app, you can send and open scores from each device and continue to work on your score, anywhere, anytime.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1096 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: x64-CHAOS, v4.0.325, Music, Notion, x86 | Rating: 0.0/0
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