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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » New Sonic Arts Granite WiN v1.5811 OSX v1.5812 Incl Keygen
New Sonic Arts Granite WiN v1.5811 OSX v1.5812 Incl Keygen

TEAM R2R | 23.12.2016 | WiN 8.97 MB | OSX 22.22 MB
Links update: 28/08/2018

Enter a world of evolving textures, haunting atmospheres and infinite soundscapes.

Granite's unique sound engine melds a state-of-the-art granular processor, an innovative modulation system and a range of grain-level FX, resulting in a degree of musicality not achieved before with granular synthesis.

The compact user interface takes full advantage of hardware graphics acceleration for a uniquely absorbing audio-visual experience, and the slick and intuitive workflow makes working with Granite's powerful engine a joy.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1733 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v1.5812, win, Sonic, Keygen, v1.5811, Arts, osx, New, Incl, Granite | Rating: 0.0/0
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