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Home » Sound Libraries » New Loops Future Bass Kit 2 WAV
New Loops Future Bass Kit 2 WAV


New Loops presents Future Bass Kit 2. A full audio construction kit including 33 loops, 41 one-shot samples, synths and bass. You’ll find drums, vocals, synths, plucks, chords, bass, and sound effects.

We’ve also included loop tails for seamless transitions, and to give you more flexibility the audio loops have variations such as, full loop, kickless loop, kick and snare loop, as well as wet and dry versions. You can easily layer loops to build your track.

Sounds are individually named and have the bpm and key in the file names. Tempo is 72 bpm and all sounds are 24-bit/44.1 kHz. This kit includes every sound in the audio demo.


•33 Future Bass loops
•41 one shot samples
•6 programs (1 kit, 5 key groups)
•5 patterns (chords, bass, vocal synth)
•Key and bpm in file names
•Expansion size: 124 MB
•24-bit/44.1 kHz audio
•72 bpm
•100% royalty free sounds

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 551 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Bass, Future, Loops, New, Kit | Rating: 0.0/0
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