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New Loops Atmospheric Textures WAV

WAV | 883 MB

Atmospheric Textures – 100 atmospheres, soundscapes, backing pads, and ambiances to add tension and suspense to your music. You’ll find a wide range of synthesized sounds including, dark cinematic pads, intense noise-scapes, distorted drones, atonal atmospheres, shimmering pads, alarming sounds, deep rumbles, and more.

New Loops presents Atmospheric Textures — 100 atmospheres, soundscapes, backing pads, and ambiances to add tension and suspense to your music. You’ll find a wide range of synthesized sounds including, dark cinematic pads, intense noise-scapes, distorted drones, atonal atmospheres, shimmering pads, alarming sounds, deep rumbles, and more. Atmospheric Textures has over 1 GB of sounds ranging from 14 seconds to 1 minute long. All audio is 24 bit, 44.1kHz wav files. These wav files can be used as audio, or used in sample players.

These sounds are suitable for many genres including cinematic soundtrack and film scores, atmospheres and soundscapes, game music and effects, video soundtracks, and also useful for electronica, ambient, drum and bass, techno, and more.

Pack Features

•Universal wav format
•100 atmospheric texture samples
•Pads, atmospheres, noise
•Soundscapes, drones, deep rumbles
•24 bit 44.1 kHz wav files
•100% royalty free

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 305 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Atmospheric, Loops, New, textures | Rating: 0.0/0
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