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Home » WiN » Nembrini Audio FA Echobandit Bundle v1.0.0
Nembrini Audio FA Echobandit Bundle v1.0.0

Team R2R | 23 MB
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The Echobandit Plug-ins Pedal and Rack are modeled after the original Echobandit by F-Pedals, the combination of both Gold and Silver edition withs some extra features.

The Echobandit original pedal is in the list of “must have mini pedals” made by sound guru Pete Thorn.

Both Pedal and Rack version of the Plug-in include a FILTER knob control that allows a sound range from the Gold to the Silver version of the original pedal and everything in between.

It will cover an incredible wide range of sounds from awesome classic slap back to experimental modern long distorted sounds. It can be warm and smooth or aggressive and punchy to cover all your possible soundscapes needs.

* No iLok driver is required to run.
* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than original.

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Category: WiN | Views: 554 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Echobandit, FA, v1.0.0, Audio, Nembrini, bundle | Rating: 0.0/0
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