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Natural Reverbs WAV

WAV | 612.04 MB

Links update: 11/04/2022

Splice Explores: Natural Reverbs is based on the idea of music responding to nature. Producer Charles Van Kirk collaborating with musician Julia Easterlin visited three distinct outdoor environments in Midcoast Maine - granite quarries, forests and a sea cave, and wrote short pieces of music inspired by the natural acoustic properties of each space. The duo used their voices, percussion, melodica, and a baritone ukulele to explore their acoustic surroundings and create a beautifully spacious yet intimate collection of music.

Download Includes:

x140 Loops
x126 One Shots

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 348 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: natural, Reverbs, wav, Explores, Splice | Rating: 0.0/0
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