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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Native Instruments Reaktor Blocks Wired v1.0.2.1 HYBRID
Native Instruments Reaktor Blocks Wired v1.0.2.1 HYBRID

Team R2R | 23 MB

BLOCKS WIRED is effectively three pre-patched modular synths created with REAKTOR Blocks, featuring all-new modules. From sequenced melodies and basslines to out of the ordinary textures,
BLOCKS WIRED gives you the world of modular synthesis in a playful and instantly musical format.

BLOCKS WIRED is made possible by the new Blocks framework in REAKTOR 6, and runs in REAKTOR 6 or the free REAKTOR 6 PLAYER.

Showcasing two of the new West Coast Blocks in REAKTOR 6, Lumikko captures the classic sound of renowned West Coast monosynths. While using only a small selection of Blocks, it’s capable of producing a wide array of unusual and exciting sounds.

XY is an expressive sequenced synth capable of generative melodies and sonic textures. Discover nearly infinite modulation possibiltiies via the innovative XY sequencer. It also features independent pitch control of the Modulator and Carrier, allowing you to create interesting counter melodies.

Submotion produces a wide range of step-modulated sounds, bass sequences, and dark sequenced textures. Submotion is great for generating sounds with rhythmic, animated overtone structures, as well as classic subtractive synth-sounds.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 577 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Native, blocks, REAKTOR, v1.0.2.1, Wired, Hybrid, Instruments | Rating: 0.0/0
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