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Native Instruments RC 24 & RC 48 v1.0.0-R2R
Team R2R | 93.11 MB/86.46 MB
Links update: 24/12/2023
REVERB CLASSICS deliver the lush, dynamic sound of two of the most coveted reverb units in history – powerful additions to any production toolbox. The REVERB CLASSICS faithfully recreate two renowned hall reverbs that have shaped the sound of music since the 1980s. Brought to life by Softube, the RC 24 and RC 48 have a lush, harmonic character that gives every mix stunning dimension. 
The RC 24 is inspired by one of the first digital studio reverbs to gain wide popularity in recording studios around the world. Featuring Large Hall, Small Hall, and Room reverb algorithms, the distinctive sound of 12-bit A/D converters provides a unique quality that cuts through dense mixes with a unique presence. The RC 24 is equally useful on acoustic and electronic sounds for adding rich dimension, texture, and space while still preserving the original harmonics of a sound. Pushed to extreme settings, it can be used as a creative sound design tool, transforming relatively simple sounds into metallic percussive textures, dense, drone-like pads, or anything in between.
The RC 48 delivers two hall algorithms inspired by a classic studio reverb heard on numerous gold and platinum recordings, as well as game, TV, and film soundtracks. The RC 48 delivers lush, musical reverb renowned for the depth it gives to vocals and acoustic instruments. A wide variety of versatile textures can be achieved through adjusting the Diffusion and Spread controls, while an additional Effect option on the Size fader allows users to create interesting new modulation effects. The Random Hall algorithm also features Spin and Wander controls, providing random movement with lively, natural tails.
Greetings from us to AiR for keygening XILS which is protected by McFact4. I think you can do the TrackSpacer by Wavesfactory - same implementation with XILS.
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AAX plugins are cracked. You need the cracked AAX Host

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Category: WiN | Views: 2320 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: RC, v1.0.0-R2R, 48, Native, 24, Instruments | Rating: 0.0/0
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