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Home » WiN » Native Instruments Massive v1.5.5 Incl Patched and Keygen
Subbass Academy Deep House with Tom Demac TUTORiAL

DATE : 2018.07.31 | NUMBER : R2R-7037 | SiZE : 76.97 MB

MASSIVE is a sonic monster – the ultimate synth for basses and leads. The analog concept belies the contemporary, cutting-edge sound it generates. The high-end engine delivers pure quality, lending an undeniable virtue and character to even the most saturated of sounds. The interface is clearly laid out and easy to use, ensuring you will have MASSIVE generating earth-shuddering sounds from the very first note.

Massive 1.5.5 - 2018-07-25
FIXED an issue in which some Expansion presets did not appear in the browser.
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Category: WiN | Views: 1144 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Patched, Native, and, Keygen, massive, v1.5.5, Instruments, Incl | Rating: 0.0/0
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