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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Music Developments Syne v1.0.9 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)
Music Developments Syne v1.0.9 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)

WiN: 7.2 MB | OSX: 15.9 MB
Links update: 15/03/2021

Syne is a highly efficient and flexible modular additive synthesizer capable of rendering more than 20000 partials on a recent CPU while having full control over each partial. This allows making complex sounds that are not possible with other types of synthesis.

Syne features:

a very fast additive synth engine that allows complex sounds and/or high polyphony.
fully modular architecture with more than 30 modules.
the cleanest possible sound, no need to use an aliasing filter or other hacks.
the simplest UI where zooming in shows more details.
wavetable file import. The wavetables are not just spectral interpolated, but kept in the spectral domain all the time during synthesis.
wavetable generation for a single click.
all parameters can be automated.
MIDI Polyphonic Expression support.
simple activation. No internet connection is required for activation or operation.

Syne is available for Windows and macOS as standalone, VST2.4, VST3 and AU (on macOS) versions.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 363 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: OSX), Music, (Win, Incl, v1.0.9, Keygen, developments, Syne | Rating: 0.0/0
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