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Home » Sound Libraries » MUSIC by GOIAS Hi-Hat Bounce Vol. 2 WAV
WAVS Kingdom Sad Boi Guitars WAV

WAV | 59 MB

50 ALL ORIGINAL HI-HAT LOOPS played, recorded and produced by GOIAS on real acoustic instruments.

We played different types of sounding Hi-Hats (bright, warm, trashy, vintage) and added various percussive elements to give you a plethora of textures you can choose from.

You’ll be able to stretch, chop the loops or use them as they are. Just drag and drop on your DAW and quickly add the human sound & groove of a live drummer that your track needs!

•50 Hi-Hat Loops (BPM labeled)
•All Original
•Instant Real Human feel. Guaranteed.
•Compatible with any DAW

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 180 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: hi-hat, Music, by, GOIAS, wav, Vol., Bounce | Rating: 0.0/0
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