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Mr Bill Folley Collection Vol 2 Liquids WAV

P2P | 09 March 2018 | 661 MB

Ever wished your music sounded more moist? Ever been listening to a foley-based, glitch artist and thought to yourself “HOW IN THE FLYING FUCK DO THEY GET THIS SHIT SO WET!? THIS GUY MUST BE A SYNTHESIS GOD!”

Well, wonder no more! Bar a few artists, most of them aren’t synthesising that stuff – they’re just nicely recorded water samples, and that’s exactly what you’ll be getting here

This pack includes 566, 24-bit, 44.1 kHz files totaling 814MB and is broken down into:

221 x Various hydrophone recordings (that’s a microphone that can go underwater)
125 x Hydrophone recordings taken specifically from a bathtub (from a previously released pack of mine named Bath Time)
100 x Random water foley samples I’ve recorded and kept over the past 8 to 10 years
120 x Splash related sounds (coming from both hydraphones & regular condensers)

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 823 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Collection, Mr, Folley, vol, Bill, Liquids | Rating: 0.0/0
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