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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » MixWave Mike Mangini KONTAKT
MixWave Mike Mangini KONTAKT


A musical powerhouse with an unparalleled career. From his Grammy wins to his unworldly drumming skills, his journey through music is nothing short of remarkable. He's not just a drummer, but a skilled composer, contributing to chart-topping albums while even breaking into unexpected genres.

Tasked with meticulously sampling his drum arsenal in its entirety, we were able to achieve something greater than anticipated; a vast, yet versatile orchestral-like collection of sounds.

Mix ready drums
Have Mangini's complete collection of mix-ready drums.

Featuring his 11-piece Masterworks kit that he designed in concert with Pearl Drums including 4 kick drums, 9 snares, 8 toms, 4 octobans, and our largest array of 20 cymbals.

Sampled by Mike Mangini and mixed at MixWave Studios.

Complete control
Go from completely raw samples to mix-ready drums with one click using the fully featured and intuitive mixer-style interface.

Dial in pre-mixed reverbs, FX, or the additional built-in master channel fx including a compressor, EQ, and tape saturation.

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 168 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Mangini, Kontakt, Mike, Mixwave | Rating: 0.0/0
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