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MassiveSynth The Secrets of Massive TUTORiAL READ NFO-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 1.10 GB
Links update: 09/02/2020
Learning Massive Needn't Be Complicated
Massive is one of the flagships of a new generation of wavetable based synthesizers that make it easier than ever to create room-thumping, brain-bleeding sonic blasts. The problem is there are so manyn choices in how to shape sounds even the most experienced producers find it hard to make the best decisions.
We’ve got you covered. Our world-class video tutorials will make you cool and confident as you take simple, powerful steps to build the sounds you hear in your cranium. Each knob, oscillator, control, effect, filter and more is broken down into easy to follow instructions that get you up to speed fast. Rather than months and years of endless trial and error, you’ll be up and running within hours! Your music will be built on a solid foundation, and you’ll be light years ahead of other producers.

In are first release this course only had written txt instructions
No audio instructions. MassiveSynth has updated these videos
with audio instructions. Enjoy


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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1462 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: massive, MassiveSynth, The Secrets of Massive | Rating: 0.0/0
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