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Home » WiN » Martinic Lem Echo Music v1.0.0 Incl Patched and Keygen
Martinic Lem Echo Music v1.0.0 Incl Patched and Keygen

Team R2R | 9.4MB

The Lem Echo Music recreates the nostalgic tones of the vintage Italian tape delay effect from Lem. This authentic emulation simulates the classic sound of three playheads on one strip of tape, with all the characteristic wow, flutter, and degradation of the original.

Same tape delay as in Elka Panther plug-in.
3 play heads.
7 delay tap combinations.
Authentic wow and flutter.
Wet mix and feedback controls.
2-channel mixer with bass/treble tone controls.
Vintage VU meter.
Tape age control.
Same reverb as in Elka Panther plug-in.

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Category: WiN | Views: 661 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Incl, and, Echo, Music, Martinic, Keygen, v1.0.0, Lem, Patched | Rating: 0.0/0
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