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Home » Tutorial » MacProVideo Logic Pro X 203 Logics Compressors TUTORiAL
MacProVideo Logic Pro X 203 Logics Compressors TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 235.62 MB
Links update: 04/12/2021

Joe Albano is the perfect trainer to explain and explore the ins-and-outs of Logic Pro’s family of compressors. In this course, he divulges the inside info about which world-class compressors they’re modelled after and then shows you how to best deploy them!

You learn every knob, button and meter that these Logic-only plugins have, and you get a really solid primer on compression, side-chaining and even limiting techniques.

This course covers:

- Vintage Opto
- Studio FET
- Vintage FET
- Classic VCA
- Studio VCA
- Limiter
- Adaptive Limiter

So dive into Logic Pro’s world of compression, with Joe Albano, and soon you’ll be making these built-in plugins your go-to dynamic processors on all of your Logic tracks. Also be sure to check out all of our Logic in-depth courses in our ever-expanding library!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 623 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: pro, tutorial, MacProVideo, Logic, 203, Logics, Compressors | Rating: 0.0/0
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