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Lynda - Up and Running with ABSYNTH 5 TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 20.03.2015 | 134.55 MB
Links update: 27/01/2018

In this quick Up and Running course, author J. Scott Giaquinta covers another of Native Instruments KOMPLETE components, ABSYNTH.

ABYSYNTH is a powerful synthesizer that allows for almost unlimited combinations of oscillators, modulations controls, and filters—leading to some truly unique sounds. Here J. Scott G. gives a brief overview of ABSYNTH's features and main sound making components, including its modules, oscillators, filters, modulation controls, effects, and automation. Then he puts its features and sound-making abilities to work, so you can see how ABSYNTH fits into a real musician's workflow.

ABSYNTH basics

Browser and Attributes window

Oscillators and waveforms

Filters, mods, and waveshapers

Envelopes and LFOs

Effects + ABSYNTH FX plugin

Automation and Performance window


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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1348 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: absynth, tutorial, Lynda, Running, Up, with, and | Rating: 0.0/0
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