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Lynda Tips and Tricks for Modern Producers TUTORiAL

P2P | 23 March 2018 | 512 MB

Are you interested in taking your productions to the next level? In this course, join instructor Evan Sutton as he shares tips, workarounds, and time-saving techniques that can help music producers work smarter in the studio and enhance their final productions. Evan dives into drum programming and processing, and discusses synth programming, including how to get from MIDI to audio. Plus, he shares practical tips for working with vocals, and demonstrates how to get your mixes ready for mastering.

Topics include:

•Tuning programmed drums
•Layering drum sounds
•Using parallel distortion
•Synthesizer programming
•Working with MIDI FX
•Layering synth parts with hardware
•Tracking vocals for maximum impact
•Prepping tracks for mastering

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 744 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Modern, for, Tricks, Producers, tutorial, Lynda, tips, and | Rating: 0.0/0
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