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Home » Tutorial » Lynda Premiere Pro Guru Working with Audio TUTORiAL
Lynda Premiere Pro Guru Working with Audio TUTORiAL

P2P | 26 July 2017 | 1.64 GB

Modern video editors are often expected to know a little bit of everything. As a result, it's advantageous for editors to get a grasp on other creative skills that could enhance their value in the workplace. In this course, Rich Harrington and Cheryl Ottenritter help editors enhance one such skill—working with audio—by giving an overview of the audio workflow, and sharing practical advice, tips, and techniques for working with audio in Adobe Premiere Pro. They cover how to set up tracks in Premiere Pro, adjust audio levels on the Timeline, use the Clip Mixer and Track Mixer, compress audio, remove noise, do a quality control check of your audio mix with Audition, and more.

Topics include:

* Setting up your tracks in Premiere Pro
* Organizing tracks on the Timeline
* Adjusting audio levels on the Timeline
* Switching between track and clip control
* Using the Clip Mixer and Track Mixer
* Using submixes for routing and stem mixing
* Adding clip-level effects to audio clips
* EQ for male and female voices
* Removing background noise
* Compressing the master track

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 964 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pro, Premiere, Lynda, WORKING, Guru, Audio, tutorial, with | Rating: 0.0/0
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