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Home » Tutorial » Lynda Logic Pro X: Effects TUTORiAL
Lynda Logic Pro X: Effects TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 1.11 GB

Dive deeply into the wide array of built-in effects in Logic Pro X and learn how to use them to create rich, vibe-y productions. Engineer and music producer Evan Sutton shares some of his favorite stock plugins and effects, showing how to tweak the individual settings to achieve different sounds with different instruments for different genres. Explore the equalization (EQ) plugins and ways to use them to add character and fine-tune your mix. Discover how to use compressors to help control the dynamics of your work, and spatial effects like reverb and delay that help you simulate virtual environments and create stunning effects. Then learn how to use modulation and pitch-based effects like chorus, flanging, phasing, and pitch shifting, as well as multi-fx units that simulate live rigs, racks, and pedalboards. Each lesson helps you get the most versatility and best sound from each Logic Pro effect.

Topics include:

•Parametric EQs
•Analog-style EQs
•Vintage vibe compressors
•Distortion and resonance effects
•Chorus, ensemble, and flanging
•Filtering and fuzz
•Multi-fx units
•Performance f
•Sequencer-based fx

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 352 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Lynda, Logic, tutorial, pro, X:, Effects | Rating: 0.0/0
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