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Home » Tutorial » Lynda Live Looping with Ableton Live TUTORiAL
Lynda Live Looping with Ableton Live TUTORiAL

Links update: 08/04/2022

Pair the sound of classic looping pedals with the flexibility of Ableton Live. Live looping reveals the inner workings of this highly creative and technical process in front of a live audience. To do it well, you need to master the nuances of your software. Learn the basics of looping music in real-time using Ableton Live and CylphX Pro with musical director Daniel Mintseris. This course shows you how to put together a live looping setup, create loops, and layer and stack loops to create unique compositions. Daniel helps you build a workflow that suits your musical personality and overcomes the technical limitations of your gear.

Topics include:

•MIDI looping with no click
•Multitrack looping
•Working with X-Clips in CylphX Pro
•Enhanced looping with ClyphX Pro
•Multiple loops
•MIDI and audio overdubbing
•Live recording with multiple looping points

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 584 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Looping, live, Lynda, Ableton, with, tutorial | Rating: 0.0/0
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