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Lynda Learning Modular Synthesis: Arturia Modular V TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 836.09 MB
Links update: 28/02/2024

One of the most exciting areas of music creation is modular synthesis, where you get to interconnect the fundamental building blocks of a synthesizer to create your own instrument. In this course, music industry veteran and synth designer Chris Meyer uses the Arturia Modular V software—a realistic emulation of the original Moog modular synths of the 1960s and 1970s—to teach you how to "patch" a modular synth to create your own sounds.

Chris starts with the fundamentals of how harmonics and sound work, as well as how to connect the modules together. He then goes through the main modules individually, explaining the differences between oscillator waveshapes, filter types, and more, while demonstrating how to use them in a musical context. The third chapter teaches advanced techniques such as frequency and amplitude modulation, as well as using the effects and advanced filters in Arturia Modular V.

Topics include:

•How harmonics combine to create unique "timbres" or tone colors
•How to configure and navigate Arturia Modular V
•How to combine oscillators in series and in parallel to create thick sounds
•The aural differences between oscillator waveforms as well as filter types and slopes
•Different ways to apply and control LFOs to create tremolo, vibrato, and wah-wah effects
•How to use noise as a sound source as well as a way to introduce randomness into a patch
•What the individual controls in the delay, chorus, and phaser effects do

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1133 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Lynda, Arturia, Modular, tutorial, Synthesis:, Learning | Rating: 0.0/0
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