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Lynda - Learning iZotope Ozone TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 460.54 MB
Links update: 28/04/2024

Learn how to leverage iZotope Ozone 7 in your mastering and mixing workflow. In this course, Nate Mars dives into the different features offered in Ozone, and shares techniques for mastering audio in various music genres, as well as for podcasting and voiceover work. Nate shows how to navigate the Ozone interface, use presets, and work with different mastering modules, including EQ, Dynamic EQ, Exciter, and other specialized tools. He also explains how to export your final master.

Topics include:

* Navigating the Ozone 7 interface
* Working with and creating presets
* Working with the EQ module
* Using the Dynamic EQ module
* Using the Dynamic Compressor
* Working with the Exciter module
* Working with vintage tools
* Using the Ozone Maximizer
* Exporting your mastered project
* Mastering dance, rock, and hip-hop tracks

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1109 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Lynda, tutorial, iZotope, ozone, Learning | Rating: 0.0/0
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