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Home » Tutorial » Lynda.com Pro Tools Mixing and Mastering-iNKiSO
Lynda.com Pro Tools Mixing and Mastering-iNKiSO
Team iNKiSO | 1.92 GB
Links update: 25/01/2020
After recording and editing a session, take advantage of the lessons in Pro Tools Mixing and Mastering to refine the final mix and master of your project. Avid Certified Expert and pro mix engineer Brian Lee White covers all the basic mixing tools that every producer and engineer should know, from using EQ to add clarity and focus to applying compression and limiting to control dynamics and maximize track levels within a mix.
The course stresses the importance of creating a solid mixing plan and setting up the studio before beginning any work in Pro Tools. Throughout the course, Brian lends his insights, inspirations, and studio secrets from over a decade of professional mixing to help you become a better mixer.
Topics include:
What is mixing? Exploring the past, present, and future
Mixing "in the box”
Setting up monitors and ensuring proper acoustics in the studio
Staying organized with labels, memory locations, and window configurations
Working with the Pro Tools Mixer
Building healthy and profitable mixing habits when putting together a final mix
Using volume and pan to balance the mix
Employing corrective versus creative EQ strategies to create clarity and contrast
Knowing when and when not to process the audio of a track
Working with compressors and dynamics processors
Using saturation effects to capture an analog-type sound
Adding reverb and delay to create depth in a mix
Working with limiting and multiband compression during the mastering process
Dealing with plug-in delay and latency in a mix
Using the bundled plug-ins in Pro Tools to add clarity, punch, and width to a mix
Recording and editing automation to add drama and excitement
Using clip based gain to control headroom and gain staging

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1670 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Pro Tools, Lynda.com, Mastering, Mixing | Rating: 0.0/0
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