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Home » Sound Libraries » Loop Cartel Dubstep Cinematix ACiD WAV AiFF-MAGNETRiXX
Loop Cartel Dubstep Cinematix ACiD WAV AiFF-MAGNETRiXX
Team MAGNETRiXX | 08 January 2013 | 932.78 MB
Links update: 27/01/2018
Dubstep Cinematix is a dramatic set loops and midi files designed for scoring Dubstep with it's primary focus on Orchestral instruments including Piano. 
Great for Trap, Dubstep, Hip Hop, and movie scores. 
Add a deep cinematic intro to your Dubstep drops or to your Trap beats. 
Midi files are also provided to take certain melodies and performances to another level of creation.
Sounds include Pianos, Strings, Brass, Pads, Drums, Percussion, SFX, BuildUps, Risers, and more. 
PLUS an exclusive preview of Dubstep Dominators. 
All loops 24 bit 44.1 kHz Stereo. 
173 loops and 11 midi files. 
Tempo and key information in file names as well as meta-data. 
Produced by John Hobart and Jason Donnelly (DJ Puzzle). Includes Apple aif and ACIDized wav 
• 173 loops, 11 midi files 
• 24 bit,44.1 kHz Stereo 
• ACIDized WAV, Apple-looped AIFF

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1276 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: AiFF-MAGNETRiXX, Cartel, Dubstep, wav, Acid, Cinematix, Loop | Rating: 0.0/0
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