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LINKEDIN LEARNING Audio Techniques for Film, Video, and Multimedia Weekly

TEAM BiFiSO | 10 November 2018 | 25.79 MB

After spending nearly two decades as a professional audio engineer, Scott Hirsch has amassed a collection of insider tips and techniques that you can only get from years in the studio. In this weekly course, he shares what he's learned with you. Instead of focusing on general audio concepts, Scott shares practical tips that can help audio engineers enhance their workflow for audio-to-video projects and consistently get great-sounding mixes. Learn how to leverage key tools, avoid common pitfalls, work with templates, organize your sessions, and much more. While Scott uses industry-standard audio programs such as Pro Tools throughout the course, the techniques he covers can easily be applied to other systems.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 681 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: video, Learning, Multimedia, Techniques, Film, Weekly, for, Audio, LinkedIn, and | Rating: 0.0/0
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