Lick Library 51 Western Swing Licks (2016)
3.23 GB
Links update: 18/05/2021
Take your jazz, blues and country playing to the next level with these ear twisting Western swing licks.
From the classic big band swing of the 20’s to the country infused revival heard in the south.
Be it the Freddie Green rhtyhms to the modern patterns of Whit Smith, these exciting sounds
will breathe new life into your playing.
Taught by Swing Commander Dan Smith, over the course of these 51 licks you’ll look at
• Outlining chord changes
• Chromaticism
• Chordal licks
• Whole tone scale ideas
• Alternate picking
• Arpeggio concepts
And much more
With the supplied backing tracks and full transcriptions, you’ll see huge improvements in
your understanding and playing of jazz, blues, country and even rock, so grab a guitar and dig in.
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