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Home » WiN » Kyle Beats Secret Sauce v1.1.0 WiN
Kyle Beats Secret Sauce v1.1.0 WiN

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Our First plugin launch ever was awesome. Really awesome. We want to make things even better so we are updating some things that need to be updated. Most importantly... the NAME

We want to be around for a while, so to make sure you get the most out of every last drop of our plugin we are doing some re-branding AND fixing any initial bugs we found after launch.

But don't WORRY! You won't have to wait long :)

AND anyone who purchased already will automatically be upgraded to this next version!We are super excited and I hope you are too.

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Russian users - use VPN to download! Our links do not work for Russia and possibly some other countries!

Category: WiN | Views: 965 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: win, Sauce, secret, V1.1.0, Kyle, Beats | Rating: 0.0/0
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