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Home » Sound Libraries » Krotos 4 Elements SFX Library WAV
Krotos 4 Elements SFX Library WAV

WAV | 1.11 GB

The Elements Sound Effects Library is perfect for world-building projects like RPGs or action adventure games. Elements such as water, fire, ice and snow are essential to building a world full of life. Your players will be instantly immersed in your world environments.

Keywords: water, splashing, pouring, hydrophone, dropping, bubbles, snow, snowball, hit, impact, debris, sizzle, icy, crunch, ice, under pressure, break, creak, smash, shatter, fireballs, swish, swoosh, torch, fire, whirlwind, gestures, animalistic, burning, low, medium, intense, extinguished, camp fire, bonfire, electro-magnetic, jug fill, iceberg, frozen lake, glacier.

Product details:

96/192khz High-Quality Wav Files
471 Sounds
100% Royalty Free

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 172 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Krotos, SFX, elements, library | Rating: 0.0/0
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