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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Komplete Kontrol Trilian Preset Browser Pack v1.1 Donor version
Komplete Kontrol Trilian Preset Browser Pack v1.1 Donor version

Patch Browser | 332.08 MB
Links update: 26/06/2017

The Trilian preset browser for Komplete Kontrol contains over 1400 factory presets for Trilian that can be loaded into the Komplete Kontrol software for tagged browsing. If you own Trilian and either Komplete Kontrol of Maschine then you may be interested in this.

All presets have been "wrapped" into .nkfs files which contains the Trilian preset information, tagging information and mapped controls. Additionally, a Komplete Kontrol database file and plugin artwork is also included to create entries in your User Library. Preset files can be browsed by sound type, sub-category, mood, genre and library.

Komplete Kontrol Software v1.5+
Maschine Software 2.4 (works but unable to supported)
Supports VST Only (no AU Support)
Works on PC/MAC
Supports 32/64 Bit
Spectrasonics Trilian
NOTE: You must own Trilian for this preset pack to work. These are only the factory presets found in Trilian. These presets were created using Komplete Kontrol software 1.5 but should work fine with the Maschine Software as reported by users. I cannot offer support on Maschine as I do not own it.

Donor Version
You can download the Free version right now without payment or login but will only get the first 50 presets in each category. This allows you to test how it will work for you and see the benefits of browsing presets using your controller. The complete preset pack is available for a small donation (10$).

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 1016 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Kontrol, version, Komplete, Browser, Donor, Trilian, v1.1, pack, Preset | Rating: 0.0/0
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