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Home » WiN » Klevgrand Vandelay v1.0.0 CE
Klevgrand Vandelay v1.0.0 CE

Team V.R | Dec 22 2017 | 1.71 MB

Vandelay provides three separate delays in as many frequency regions. Each delay has an LFO that modulates the pitch of the audio stream. Together with tempo based delay times and feedback control you can create a very rich sound from almost any source. Sporting a clever, responsive and intuitive user interface, Vandelay is easily controlled and you will almost certainly get the hang out of it in minutes!


•Unique pitch modulation.
•Delay times are tempo based and can be quantized using the snap function.
•Simple but yet powerful user interface
•Low CPU usage

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Category: WiN | Views: 652 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.0.0, Vandelay, Ce, Klevgrand | Rating: 0.0/0
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