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Home » WiN » Klevgrand Skaka v1.1.3 WiN
Klevgrand Skaka v1.1.3 WiN

WiN x64: VST3, VST2, AAX | 97.2 MB

Skaka is a sample-based sequencer plugin for shaker percussion instruments. It has 12 slots, each with its own instrument, parameters (lots of them!) and pattern. We've built both the sequencer and the sampler from the ground, to optimize this instrument for these types of sounds. Each pattern contains events, with individual parameters like pitch, velocity (as in how fast the instrument is shaken), and envelope.

With full control over shuffle/swing amount, an advanced humanizer function, internal awareness of in- and out shakes (yes, they sound different), using grids divided into triplets/quintuplets/septuplets, timing fine-tuning and variable sequence lengths, Skaka can get very close to how a human percussionist would sound in almost any tempo without any use of degrading time stretching or similar techniques.

To top it off, there's a nice reverb, a room simulator and a high shelf filter.

Skaka comes with nearly 200 ready-made patterns covering most genres and styles.
12 parallel slots, each with individual settings for instrument and pattern
18 different shaker instruments (Egg, Shaker, Tambourine, Caxixi, Single Shot, Ghungroos, Calabash & Seeds + much more)
High quality reverb plus room simulation
High-precision editing of each pattern, with a plethora of controls for getting the exact right timing, pitch and velocity
Wide range of presets covering most genres and styles
Advanced and customizable humanizer
8 (or 9) velocity layers with more than 30 round-robins per layer for each instrument (thousands of samples used)
Changelog v1.1.3
AAX Apple Silicon support
Improved graphics performance

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Category: WiN | Views: 270 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: win, Skaka, Klevgrand, v1.1.3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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