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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Klevgrand Esspresso v1.0.1 [WiN-OSX] Incl Keygen
Klevgrand Esspresso v1.0.1 [WiN-OSX] Incl Keygen

Team R2R| Dec 22 2018 | WiN 3.2 MB | OSX 8.1 MB

Finally, a de-esser that doesn’t suck.

Esspresso is a fast, beautiful & powerful de-esser for everyone doing audio recording. De-essers have previously been aimed towards highly professional audio producers that needs full control over the sibilance (high frequency noises) in their mix. These noises can bring trouble to your overall sound – for example if you want a ”crisp” tone to the voice and add the EQ, the S’s will eventually distort and make it hard to balance the mix.

The uniqueness of Esspresso is that the detection frequency range isn’t coupled with the suppressors frequency range. That means you can listen to a specific frequency and compress another one, which is often what you’ll want from a professional de-esser. With a fast and accurate frequency response view, you will easily get full control over annoying S-sounds that otherwise can ruin the mix.


Visual reduction RMS
Visual detector RMS
Detector sensitivity gain
Solo switch for the detector signal
Suppressor has three filter modes (all, band & high)
Intuitive and unique user interface

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 562 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.0.1, Klevgrand, Incl, WiN-OSX, Esspresso, Keygen | Rating: 0.0/0
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