Klevgrand Degrader v1.0.0 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)
Team R2R | WIN: 5.92 MB | OSX: 13.84 MB
Links update: 14/08/2020
Resampler & Bitcrusher
Degrader is a combined resampler and bitcrusher plugin. It can be used to simulate the sound of vintage digital gear, as a lofi-effect or distortion unit. Since all parameters are fully automatable it’s a handy plugin for creating unique and interesting drops, sweeps and other transitions.
Resamples between 250 Hz and 96 kHz.
Low pass filter with different characteristics both pre and post resampling.
Bit depth can continuously be altered between 3 and 24 bits.
Additional distortion algorithm.
Parameter linking (control several parameters with one knob)
Input and output gain control.
Dry / Wet mix.
Several factory presets simulating different vintage gear.
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