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Home » Sound Libraries » Kingsway Music Library FORTHENIGHT Vol. 2 (Compositions and Stems) WAV
Kingsway Music Library FORTHENIGHT Vol. 2 (Compositions and Stems) WAV

WAV | 205 MB

FORTHENIGHT’s latest volume conjures up images of rain blowing around lamp lit streets, the dark and dusky sounds of pianos and horns spilling out from speakeasy doorways and house parties into the night air.

With a mix of classic production and modern effects, FORTHENIGHT’s skill to tell stories with melodies is front and center, with lush sonic tapestries filling out the spaces in between and giving the songs room to breathe. There are sounds here that will move even the most hardened sonic veterans, and FORTHENIGHT’s star is just beginning to rise.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 365 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Vol., wav, and, (Compositions, Kingsway, Stems), FORTHENIGHT, library, Music | Rating: 0.0/0
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