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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » K-Devices Magma v1.0.4 WiN macOS RETAiL
K-Devices Magma v1.0.4 WiN macOS RETAiL

WiN/macOS | 12.71 MB

Magma is an audio processor that grabs incoming audio and twists its presence throughout time, blends it with its past self, unravels its most recondite shades and controls its weight in space, creating everything in between dark drones, shimmery textures and weird percussive timbres.

At the very crossroad between a micro-looper, a granular engine, a sustainer, and a sound warmer, Magma can squash your sounds with reverb-like, big shaking auras, or sprinkle air and make your lines ethereal.
Simply load Magma on your track and give your sounds a new identity.

Audio effect available as VST3 // Audio Unit
- Any 64 bits DAW compatible with VST3 or Audio Unit
- MacOS (Apple Silicon ready) and Windows

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 235 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.0.4, retail, K-Devices, win, MAGMA, MacOS | Rating: 0.0/0
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