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Home » WiN » JRiver Media Center v29.0.41 x64 Incl Patched and Keygen
JRiver Media Center v29.0.41 x64 Incl Patched and Keygen

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JRiver Media Center - all-in-one media management app turns any Windows PC into an entertainment hub for complete control of your digital media: Audio, Video, Images, and Television. It connects PC to stereo, TV, remote control devices, digital cameras, scanners, and portable MP3 players. It plays all media, rips, burns, and organizes all your music, images, and video. MC encodes and plays all popular media formats.

Powerful utilities include Media Server for streaming music and images to remote PCs. Media Center is more than a world class player. It’s also a Media Network, a whole house music, movie, TV, and photo solution. The leader in audiophile quality sound. The most powerful media database available; an essential tool for large collections.


- Native support of DirectShow DSP filters
- Audiophile – WASAPI exclusive output using high-end USB DACs
- Audiophile – Added ability to play files from memory instead of disk
- Audiophile – Support for high end USB DAC’s with WASAPI
- Headphone DSP makes listening more natural and comfortable.
- SoundcardSwitch command for the launcher, allows soundcard selection
- 3D album view adjusts text size to display more tracks when necessary
- 3D album view allows playing, adding, shuffling, and adding as next to play

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Category: WiN | Views: 250 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: center, v29.0.41, media, x64, and, JRiver, Patched, Keygen, Incl | Rating: 0.0/0
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