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Home » Sound Libraries » Jay Cactus The Vault Drum Kit WAV MiDi
Jay Cactus The Vault Drum Kit WAV MiDi

WAV MiDi | 307 MB
Links update: 03/08/2024

Each sound has been carefully mixed so you can spend less time tweaking knobs and more time cooking up, which means you’ll have more beats to send to artists for major placements!

The Vault covers all Hip-Hop based genres so you can quickly find sounds that match the style you’re making, which means you won’t waste time browsing through hundreds of separate kits.

Each sample was designed specifically for each genre so you don’t have to worry about sound selection, which means others will recognize your instant improvements and boost your confidence!

What You'll Get

Greeze (UK Drill)
Transcend production levels with these gritty UK & NY Drill sounds, carefully curated for modern Producers who want to break the boundaries of music.

•11 x 808s
•12 x Claps
•29 x Counter Snares
•6 x Crashe
•47 x FX
•10 x Grime Bass
•19 x Kicks
•7 x Open Hats
•37 x Percs
•5 x Percussion Loops
•8 x Rimshots
•22 x Snares
•6 x Sub Bass
•13 x Vox One-Shots

Trap Lordz (Trap)
Punchy go-to Trap drums designed to elevate your beats and bang through speakers. Not for the faint hearted!

•16 x 808s
•25 x Claps
•8 x Crashes
•28 x FX
•21 x Hi-Hats
•10 x Kicks
•4 x Drum Fills
•8 x Percussion Loops
•10 x Hi-Hat MIDIs
•20 x Open-Hats
•25 x Percs
•22 x Rimshots
•24 x Snares

The Source (Boom Bap)
Authentic Boom-Bap drum samples which feel like the 90s but hit like the 2020s. Perfect for the style of Rick Ross, J Cole, and Jay Z.

•11 x Bass
•7 x Claps
•5 x Crashes
•26 x FX
•20 x Hi-Hats
•20 x Kicks
•10 x Drum Breaks
•5 x Drum Fills
•14 x Hi-Hat Loops
•10 x Percussion Loops
•11 x Open Hats
•20 x Percs
•5 x Rides
•11 x Rimshots
•7 x Shakers
•6 x Snaps
•22 x Snares
•6 x Toms

Candy (R&B)
Lucious R&B sounds bringing you nothing but vibes. Whether you’re producing for Drake or making commercial Drill this kit is for you.

•10 x 808s
•12 x Claps
•5 x Crashes
•10 x Foley
•16 x Hi-Hats
•15 x Kicks
•15 x Misc
•12 x Sub Bass
•10 x Open-Hats
•15 x Percs
•17 x Percussion Loops
•5 x Rides
•10 x Rimshots
•5 x Shakers
•10 x Snaps
•12 x Snares
•6 x Toms
•11 x Transitions
•10 x Vox One-Shots

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1009 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Cactus, Vault, wav, the, drum, Kit, jay, midi | Rating: 0.0/0
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