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iZotope RX 10 Audio Editor Advanced v10.3.0

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With version 10, we've added new features and functionality to address some of the most common repair problems that exist in today's post projects, making it the definitive choice for audio post production. While there are so many other new features included, here’s a glimpse of the new RX 10 Repair Assistant, which (bonus!) will be available to use directly in your DAW.

RX 10 Advanced features
Text Navigation [NEW]
Multiple Speaker Detection [NEW]
Repair Assistant plug-in [NEW]
Selection Feathering [NEW MODE]
Spectral Recovery [NEW ALGORITHM]
First-time User Experience [NEW]
De-hum Dynamic Adaptive Mode [NEW MODE]
Dialogue Isolate

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Category: WiN | Views: 493 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: 10, Audio, Rx, v10.3.0, iZotope, Editor, Advanced | Rating: 0.0/0
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