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Home » Mac OSX » iZotope Nectar v1.13 Mac OSX-Xdb
iZotope Nectar v1.13 Mac OSX-Xdb
Team Xdb | 63.9 MB
Links update: 12/07/2019
Vocal processing toolkit
Nectar is a complete set of 11 vocal production effects combined in one plug-in that's designed to give you immediate results. Built-in Styles get the grunt work out of the way so you can focus on the creative finishing touches.
Features include automatic pitch correction, manual note editor, breath control, gate, compressors, saturation, EQ, de-esser, doubler, limiter, reverb, delay and tons of built-in Style presets.
iZotope Nectar is ideal for audio engineers, voice over artists, singer/songwriters, recording enthusiasts, podcasters, and anyone else who records sung or spoken vocals. Its dozens of styles cover genres including: Alternative & Indie, Blues/R&B, Classical, Country, Dance & Electronica, Hip Hop & Rap, Jazz, Pop, Rock, and Spoken Word. 

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 1454 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v1.13, OSX-Xdb, Nectar, iZotope, Mac | Rating: 0.0/0
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